C0-sponsored by the Department of Art and Design, United Health Services, Broome OB/GYN and the Binghamton University Fleishman Career Center, the Drawing Marathon offers Binghamton University students, alumni and community artists (18 and over) a unique opportunity to compete for 24 hours to produce a finished figure drawing in the museum. It is a chance to discover one’s artistic second wind, when powerful creative energy is released at the very time physical energy diminishes. The second wind reinvigorates both mind and body and can result in a rewarding, even spectacular artistic creation.



Friday, February 28th, 10:00am – Saturday, February 29th, 10:00am (24 hours with regular breaks)


Artists should send one pdf file with up to 10 samples of their best figure drawings, along with the following contact information: name, address, phone number, email. Please provide answers to the following questions:

  • Are you comfortable with media (video and photography) documenting you and your artwork if selected?
  • Do you have an interesting story, a personal challenge you’ve overcome, or anything special we should be aware of?

Send your application to: drawing@binghamton.edu. There is no application fee. The jury will select the strongest 10-12 competitors among the applications. The deadline for submitting an application is February 10th. No applications will be accepted after this date.

For more information click here