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“Croaker” is a musical adaptation of the Brothers Grimm classic fairy tale, The Frog Prince, otherwise known as The Frog King or Iron Henry. The most popular version of the tale is the Disney movie, “The Princess and the Frog”. It was also woven into the plot of the “Shrek” franchise. ‘Croaker’ has been staged across the U.S. and tells the story of a princess who befriends a frog who was formerly a prince — the consequence of a curse placed upon him by her mother, the evil Queen Helene. For more information visit www.Croakerthemusical.com

The 2019 EPAC production is directed by Patrick Foti, with musical direction by Paula Bacorn and an amazing cast of local performers of all ages. This show is sure to entertain the whole family! Performances will be June 21st – 23rd, Friday and Saturday, at 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday matinees at 3pm.

Tickets are $15 for Adults, $12 for seniors (65 & over) and children (12 & under) Call the EPAC Box Office at (607) 785-8903 or visit the EPAC web site, www.endicottarts.com
For group sales call (607) 785-8903.

General Operating Support is provided to the Endicott Performing Arts Center by a grant from the Broome County Arts Council’s United Cultural Fund.

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