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WBDY-LP and The Bundy Museum


MAY 3rd (and every First Friday!), 7PM
in The Bundy Annex & on air at WBDY-LP 99.5FM

The area’s best musicians take over
The Bundy Annex and WBDY-LP (99.5FM) Airwaves!

May 3 – Taze Yanick – Jazz Guitarist

June 7 – Bess Greenberg – Soulful singer playing the upright bass and guitar
& Alex Creamer – Opens the Art of Binghamton in the Bundy’s 3rd Floor Gallery from 6-9PM

First Friday Coverage with Gallery Interviews and Music from 6-9PM
Made possible by the Broome County Arts Council United Cultural Fund (UFC) Project Grant

For more information &/or to share, visit 
the Facebook Event Page!

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