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WBDY-LP 99.5FM at The Bundy

Face It! Theatre Original Radio Drama:

MAY 9th and 11th • 7PM 

Live radio drama is returning to Binghamton’s airwaves. Face It! Theatre Company, known in the community for producing hard hitting social justice issues, has teamed up with Binghamton’s community radio station WBDY (99.5 FM) to premiere an original radio play to the greater Binghamton listening audience. Lash, written by Face It! Theatre’s artistic director J. Vaclav Michalec, follows Upstate recruit Lieutenant Kris Van Hoven as he leaves for Afghanistan, taking his particular American viewpoints about 9/11, Islam, and the US military with him. Once deployed on the desolate reaches of Southwest Afghanistan he comes face to face with a culture he knows little about. In a self-imposed contest of will, Van Hoven makes a decision that forever changes who he is and how he sees the world. The story of Lash is at once American and Afghan, a timely piece that does its part in an attempt to understand how America’s longest war still has no end in sight.

Broadcasting as live performances May 9th and 11th at 7pm on WBDY-LP (99.5 FM). The performance will also be available on SoundCloud afterwards.

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