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Richard Martin, Poet laureate of Binghamton, will be reading from his new book this Friday October 13 at 7:30 pm at At Atomic Tom’s, 196 state street, Binghamton. If you want to experience a uniquely gifted imaginative writer ‘s poetry come on down. Free admission & the bar is open….
Reviews of Martin’s work:
One of the most rewarding books I’ve ever read! The combination of the poetry and visuals creates an effect that goes beyond either medium, both of which would be thoroughly impressive on their own. Every time I turned the pages, I felt I was treating myself to something everyone should be sharing. The play of colors and textures, depth and surface in the visuals often had a throbbing effect, as if it were advancing and receding at the same time. And in the poems, the tensions between layers of seriousness and humor made me read on two levels at once, which is where I want to be whenever I read.
Stephen-Paul Martin
On previous work by Richard Martin:
A fugue, a bouquet, a squall, a ballet of lexical pirouettes … how to describe these unique swirls of dizzying virtuosity? These new poems are oracular lenses peering into the soul’s inscrutable dimensions, laughing, musing, mourning, dazzling … a kaleidoscope beamed through a prism to focus on unseeable beauty. Richard Martin is a one of-a-kind visionary, transcribing existence into highly-charged, sophisticated ode/codas. He is a model of his motto: “Be in the paradigm-shifting business.”
Jeffrey Cyphers Wright

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