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The Bundy Museum Presents

The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra

Friday August 16th. Doors at 7:00PM Show time 7:30PM

$10.00 ticket/door cover

Located in the Bundy Museum Annex Theatre

(Behind the Museum)

The GCO covers many genres in their crazy eclectic music mix and it all falls under ART-ROCK JAZZ FUSION.


Call it what you will, but its artsy is hell and it ROCKS!

The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra has been freakin’ minds for 6 years! Since 2009, the band has stretched their own musical limits with album after album of intensely energetic ART-ROCK. Definition of ART-ROCK: A type of rock music, often with poetic lyrics, characterized by sophisticated harmonic, dynamic and technical complexity based on forms derived from classical (and jazz) music and requiring performers of considerable training and skill. It sounds so serious, but when you combine that type of music with four fun-loving musicians who don’t take themselves too seriously and who have a love of so much music beyond art-rock (which is why the band covers songs from Otis Rush’s All Your Love to Whipping Post to When the Levee Breaks to YYZ), you get a bit of magic in live music form. The band writes and performs music that excites them and has a blast doing it! The GCO appreciates and aspires to superior musicianship while combining their love of a good riff, hummable melody and groovy jam… over a jazz/jazz-rock musical bedrock. It all culminates in an intensely energetic live performance because “we freakin’ love what we do and love that the fans dig it too!!”



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