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Binghamton Photo & The Bundy Museum
True B&W Photographs by Arra
Trail of Truth

Continuing exhibition during First Friday Art Walk:
March 6, 6-9PM

• at Binghamton Photo, 32 Cedar St, part of The Bundy Campus •

Artist Statement:
For the last few years I have been drawn to street photography, often attending rallies and local events or just wandering around downtown taking pictures of the people I come across. I’m fairly awkward when talking to people but having a camera seems to help ease that. I love listening to people’s stories and capturing them as they are in that moment but the rallies and awareness events are always some of my favorite things to shoot. I enjoy capturing the emotion of people as they fight for their causes and documenting the movements that are happening in our area. I especially like that I don’t have to be the person with the megaphone to share my voice in such matters.

This show focuses on the 2019 Trail of Truth which is a march and performance art piece held annually by Truth Pharm to honor those who were lost to substance use related causes in our area. The raw emotion of the event was both heartbreaking and inspiring as so many people gathered to remember those they’d lost and to advocate for changes to help others in the future.

Artist Bio:
I was born in a bus, in a junkyard in Arizona and moved around a lot as a kid, finally ending up in New York as a teenager because this is where my mother grew up. I attended Broome Community College for an associate degree in Paralegal Studies then moved on to Binghamton University for a bachelor’s in Political Science. It was there that I needed an art elective so I signed up for the photography class. I’d always been big on taking pictures of everything and had taken photography in high school but it was that class that really drew me in. The art of hand processing film and printing my own photos is as much a part of my photography as the actual subjects are.

Admission to Art Gallery is Always Free
Tuesday – Saturday 11-5PM

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