Monday Poetry Workshop: Deepening Craft
OnlineFor those who have attended BPP workshops in the past [...]
Wednesday Poetry Workshop: How to Write a Poem
OnlineFor those who have never written poetry before and/or for [...]
Carolyn Forché Virtual Reading on Zoom
A virtual reading with Carolyn Forché, The Distinguished Writers Series [...]
Monday Poetry Workshop: Deepening Craft
OnlineFor those who have attended BPP workshops in the past [...]
Global Imaginary – Virtual Reading
VirtualThe Global Imaginary is an international student reading series focusing [...]
Wednesday Poetry Workshop: How to Write a Poem
OnlineFor those who have never written poetry before and/or for [...]
Poetry Reading: The Binghamton Poetry Project Workshop Participants
OnlineJoin us live on Zoom for a reading by the [...]
‘The Hungry Ear’ gives dramatic readings of short stories at the Broome County Library
Broome County Public Library 185 Court St, Binghamton, NY'The Hungry Ear' gives dramatic readings of short stories at [...]
alt_Chicago, “2020: A Revolution Re- imagined”
OnlineIn a world ripe with broken social systems, alt_ Chicago [...]