TCO Apprentice Painters with AmarA & jk
NEW 5-day apprenticeship! Welcome to TCO’s paint dock! Teens (age 13-18) work alongside TCO’s scenic designers, AmarA*jk, to learn the art of scenic painting. Includes painting technique lessons, individual and group project. Paints and canvases provided. Students should bring images they are interested in using for inspiration, or they can choose from a selection provided for their individual work. Students may also bring brushes. Clothes, including shoes, socks, and hats WILL get paint on them. Keep a towel in the car to protect upholstery. All apprentice painters are invited to hang their individual project and see the completed group project on First Friday, September 6 at the 5 Riverside Library as part of the AmarA*jk exhibit opening.
AUGUST 5th-9th (Monday-Friday), 1-4pm, $300
For additional information, contact AmarA at
To register, please call (607) 772-0400 or visit