Windsor Window on the Arts a welcome respite

The fourth annual Windsor Window on the Arts took place on the village green Sept. 17. A wide variety of artists attended this juried show. There also were performing groups,children's activities, historical presentations and demonstrations by chefs and blacksmiths. All joined to provide a relaxing time of enjoyment and a smorgasbord of arts.

By |2011-09-22T16:42:14-05:00September 22nd, 2011|Broome Arts Mirror, Review|

Casual concert a hit on the 'Rive Gauche du Chenango'

A brass quintet from the Binghamton Philharmonic played the first in a new series of “Casual Concerts on the River” Friday, Sept. 2, at the Peacemaker’s Stage on the Binghamton river walk. From Court Street to the stage, the promenade of the Chenango’s rive gauche (left bank) was comfortably filled with folks who took advantage of a beautiful evening to enjoy a delightful free hour-long concert in a modern but elegant outdoor venue in the heart of downtown. The Casual Concerts on the River, like the Collier Street Farmer’s Market Brown Bag Lunch concerts, which concluded their season earlier that same day, serve to showcase some of the myriad performing artists in a city which has become a center of art and culture in the region. Like First Friday and the recently inaugurated BiziNight, Casual Concerts on the River reflects a growing spirit of new life and energy in downtown Binghamton.

By |2022-01-27T13:30:30-05:00September 7th, 2011|Arts Talk, Broome Arts Mirror, Review|
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